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MC,TV/RADIO HOST,PRODUCER,CONCEPTUAL ARTISTE,PR PERSONNEL,ENTREPRENEUR AND CLIENT SERVICE MANAGER FOR ELBATIVENI IMPRESSIONS AND CONSULT. Destiny is a deep thinking person and now,blogger.I love to write about Personal Developement and Life's Wisdom. If you are looking for a specified field this may not be your typical blogger but you might still hit a smile point; if you care to join me. My pieces are from series of Life enhancing lessons from my own reality life experiences.You will find that the subjects range from wide perspectives. They are downright ECLECTIC ! - A reflection of how I perceive life. I bet you've got something to tell too.You are welcome to make contributions through comments suggestions, questions and answers. Lets Have fun!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

There is no mistake in your life that God cannot use. He works everything into the beauty that you become. So stop being weary of the minuses that were your past. He can use anything and everything. He can make the meanest heart into the meekest heart. The proud, he knows how to humble. He alone has the ability to use the flaws and turn them into a style that eventually become the UNIQUENESS that is YOU!

Sometimes the heart of man can truelly be deceiving. Making us see only the impossiblities of our souls and thinking that when we loose, all is lost and the pains will never go away. But only God knows that everything about you can be a wood that will stoke the embers for the finished product. 

It might be difficult sometimes to believe but if you can go through your memory lane over and over again; you will find that there were things in your past that you could never attribute for good that now in your life you can see was neccessary for good to happen. You will see that your heart breaks were neccessary for you to meet better people and get better. You will see that that high school sweetheart had to give way to your present hearthrob who understands and loves you better. And maybe you are still on your way, but you have become a nicer person because of your experience. 

If you look at your failures you will see that in every of them is a lesson that you can not do without in your life right now. Yes, it's a phenomenom that our expectation-filled hearts detests to fathom. But alas! there lies the true spring board of our life's charts.

Stop regretting your mistakes and start appreciating them!


  1. Destiny, i think it is difficult, maybe even impossible, to go through life without regrets..We’ve all made mistakes that haunt us for years, whether it’s staying in an unhealthy relationship, saying something hurtful to a friend, or walking away from an enticing job opportunity. But while it’s normal to regret the mistakes we’ve made in the past, we have to get past them. Otherwise, we’re putting our future happiness at risk. The problem is that we always see our mistakes as "bad" or "wrong". But if we view our mistakes from a different angle by focusing on the positive, we will see what we gained or learned from them and find the silver lining.

    Therefore we need to move past our regrets and maybe even come to peace with them. After all, like you said, those mistakes, failures actions and inactions form part of the corpus of personality that make us who we are.

    When all is said and done, the only thing we can do is to keep on moving forward.

    Onyebuchi Aaron.

    1. Yes Aaron.Your words enunciates it all the more...We might have stuffs that make us flinch and actions we silently wish we did differently. Running it over and over and allowing our lives to become plagued by all the 'woulda', 'shoulda' will be a great disservice to our existence. Hence, it matters a lot that we cut the regret cycle.

      Just as you rightly said, "if we view our mistakes from a different angle by focusing on the positive, we will see what we gained or learned from them and find the silver lining".

      "When all is said and done, the only thing we can do is to keep on moving forward"

      Thanks for sharing

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Life has taught me everything happens for a reason. And for as long as God is oft-forgiving then there is no cause for regret.

  4. Oh i love the sound of that.Really good to know.Thank you for writing.
