"Your Perspective is Your Reality"
In truth,often times we have the choice to have the right perspective(and i mean having a positive mental attitude to things)but when life's experiences unfold,we realise that we don't always use the right perspective in our dealings on a day to day basis.
We can CHOOSE to respond Positively even in negative situations, choose to be happy rather than sad, choose to remain optimistic rather than pessimistic and remain in control of ourselves even at the most horrible and darkest moment of our lives.
Perspective simply means 'a particular evaluation of a situation of facts especially, from one person's point of view' if that is true, then you decide to a large extent the way you want to interprets life's events and certainly the way things would affect you. So if you do find yourself on the negative side of the scale you can choose to relate with yourself on the positve.
Your perspective determines your momentary reality and how happy you would be in life. Life does throw us 'rains' of good and evil, happy times and sad times, but it remains up to us how we want to react, plus who we want to be at those times. That'w why I thought... 'Why dont I remind us all of how important it is to have the right perspective'.
Personally I wrote some strategies that can aid us in maintaining a positive perspective. It could be more, and you can add up to the list but just remind us to stay on course 'cos what is going on inside of you is most important.
- Find the strategies that work for you... Prayer, music, meditation...just reach inside your inner self for that tranquility.
- Maintain a right mental attitude. There is nothing as bad as a discouraging mind!
- See opportunities in your challenges...
- Be humble enough to depend totally on God
- Learn to guard your mind. Your heart is your life!
- Remind yourself of God's past victories in your life!
- Have faith...Believe!...Be a man or woman of courage.
Realise that anytime you see beyond your momentary reality, you give God room to enlarge your horizon.
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