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MC,TV/RADIO HOST,PRODUCER,CONCEPTUAL ARTISTE,PR PERSONNEL,ENTREPRENEUR AND CLIENT SERVICE MANAGER FOR ELBATIVENI IMPRESSIONS AND CONSULT. Destiny is a deep thinking person and now,blogger.I love to write about Personal Developement and Life's Wisdom. If you are looking for a specified field this may not be your typical blogger but you might still hit a smile point; if you care to join me. My pieces are from series of Life enhancing lessons from my own reality life experiences.You will find that the subjects range from wide perspectives. They are downright ECLECTIC ! - A reflection of how I perceive life. I bet you've got something to tell too.You are welcome to make contributions through comments suggestions, questions and answers. Lets Have fun!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


What I wanted tonight was love songs but all I'm getting are Rap rhymes, old school High-life and too much talk on Radio.

So I am going to just pretend it's daytime and try to enjoy the High-life...they used to make me fall asleep those good old days when I was much younger and in primary school.

I remember how I would come back from classes for the day and get home in the heat of the sun. A heat so scorching sometimes it almost feels like my skin would melt off. I would walk leisurely even though I didn’t feel right in my skin. While I walked, I would fantasize about a lot of things. My visions would gain full reign and slowly, even the sun and its effect would be inconspicuous in the moment.

My feet would dig into the grasses as I walk. I reveled in their parting as they gave way to the weight of my stride. While that felt cool beneath, at times it would no longer be enough for me to just walk on it with my shoes; at which point I would peel them off and give in to the temptation to walk bare footed...OH! It felt good to bask in the caresses of the shrubs on the soles of my feet.

Occasionally it would awaken me to sing and make beautiful music. Other times i would be lost in reverie just thinking of the wonders of nature and contemplating in my heart lots of stuffs that only a young girl can dream up.

Sometimes if I was still close to the school fields, the flying grasshoppers and the sound of their snapping wings as they take to flight does manage to catch my attention enough for me to center my thought on other beauties, rather than the pictures that my mind was readily creating.

When I was done walking the distance away from the school fields I would start relishing the scenery of the streets that lead all the way down to my home.

Under the sun, the streets usually took on a new life. On occasion it would be calm and quiet and at other times the sheer loudness of the cars and the people defined the new piece of the art carving on my mind.

It was not unsightly to see little black buttocks getting along down the street in awkward steps; and another right behind. Little boys scuttling around in the sun, laughing with glee in friendly chase had a way of causing my face to light up in smiles.

Yes, it was a good sight to see...all of that!

And when I got back sometimes, I would meet no one at home (which today seems funny to me since I have five siblings). My father's stereo will be blaring at a high pitch, doling out ballads of this sort that I hear tonight. Beautiful sonorous voices that reached out to my young heart. Drawing me into mental imageries, that is almost indescribable with words.

I remember the long wooden bench that stretched in length on the corridor of my home. They were two of them. And they were in the original colours of their natural state; Untempered by the spraying of garnish paints. I would put them together and stretch my little lithe body on them and allow myself to be drawn into the sweet clouds of my own making, listening to the tunes that gently patted my mind's head.

Often they were high-life songs from Nigerian descents; other times it would be soulful rhythms of people from other far away African countries singing away and enticing you to come away too, to their distant lands. How I loved it.

Radio had such power at those times and those times were very often. They knew when to talk and when to keep silent. The songs had meanings and every anchor had the voice and diction that kept you yearning for more. I used to look forward to the cool of those times. And tonight I am reminded of those memories once again. What it used to feel like.

Perhaps I shouldn't consider it...perhaps, the changes in times are so far apart but I can’t help but wonder: Has Radio changed for you? ...HAS IT EVEN CHANGED?

So here I am, still wondering.

Quietly, the blues have crept into the background without my notice. And now it is beginning to suit another part of me. It is sweet how the voice types merge. The sheer wonders of music, tempting me to close my eyes, enjoy and doze off. Maybe this is what I need. Come with me if you can...

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


 Have you ever been in a room where someone walks in, and suddenly everybody turns to see who it is? 

Sometimes it’s the sweet whiff of their perfume heralding their appearance combined with the striking combination of their attire. Other times it’s the voice of this person that captivates. Or perhaps It’s a sum total of all of these.

When you look, you get fascinated by the sheer confidence of this individual: They seem in control. The very air around them seems to do obeisance to the aura of this individual. Most times the added suaveness of their vocal intensity makes everyone in the room want to look to see who is speaking and even when you do, they seem oblivious of others around except for what they are saying and who they are talking to, making everyone go green with envy. And yet there are times when you are aware that they are well informed about the effect they have on others, but they are so masterful in keeping you enthralled by the charisma they exude.

This is what I call the power of presence!

The power of presence is undeniable. It is what sets you apart from the crowd. It gives your message an added edge and leaves a strong imprint of your personality long after you are gone. It is a commodity that few have access to. Yet it is an act that can be learnt; even developed.

I am sure there were times when your very own voice or appearance has captured the silence and interested looks of others.  There would have been times too when you felt for certain that no matter what you said or did, you commanded the attention in your vicinity. If you quietly assessed those moments, you will see elements of the same influence that these individuals exuded.

Have you asked yourself what it was?

Be that Person!...picture courtesy:Destiny Obiakoeze
Don’t you think you can have that effect as often as you want if you cared enough to invest in paying attention to those moments?

There is something good about this ability. And that is, that you get others to listen to you, give you attention and ultimately; you get more done. You soon realize that the quicker responses save you loads of time and you recognize that others are willing to help you address your issues quicker.

Naturally, human beings love attention and it becomes even more inspiring to be attending to someone that everyone noticed  or wants to get to know .And that is not saying that one should go about ,feeling like a blob head and hoping that it’s the same thing as having presence. No. In fact there is something absolutely subtle about this ability that makes it more appealing. As I have observed, the very astuteness of the high sense of gentleness and regard is one of the acting force of Presence.

If the power of Presence makes you more successful and helps you in getting more achieved, what are you waiting for?

Build on it.
Be that person!