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MC,TV/RADIO HOST,PRODUCER,CONCEPTUAL ARTISTE,PR PERSONNEL,ENTREPRENEUR AND CLIENT SERVICE MANAGER FOR ELBATIVENI IMPRESSIONS AND CONSULT. Destiny is a deep thinking person and now,blogger.I love to write about Personal Developement and Life's Wisdom. If you are looking for a specified field this may not be your typical blogger but you might still hit a smile point; if you care to join me. My pieces are from series of Life enhancing lessons from my own reality life experiences.You will find that the subjects range from wide perspectives. They are downright ECLECTIC ! - A reflection of how I perceive life. I bet you've got something to tell too.You are welcome to make contributions through comments suggestions, questions and answers. Lets Have fun!

Thursday, 27 October 2011


Am reading 'Q; The autobiography of Quincy Jones'. It’s such a great read and every once in a while I read an anecdote, or a great saying from deep within the recesses of the great man. I read how much sorrow and plight brought out the capacity of a man whom the world has come to know today as one of the most formidable men of history especially in music history.
Often, you hear something from earth’s ‘human resource’ a substance in words that recounts the place of bad experience in the making of success. It baffles me that we only relate to those negatives in a joyful way only after the success has been accrued. How many of us truly see defeats, pain and suffering as earnestly what they are?...a passage to the lounge of happiness. Why is it that we easily identify the joyous, long after the pains have gone?
How I wish my mum taught me how to meet with failure. How I wish I was taught in graduate school the ways to deal with the offshoots of real hard-work and hustling. Perhaps if we were taught that as a course or got the full emphasis of it at the footstools of our parents, it would be easy to deal with the reality of them but Lo……No!
No one teaches you that. And just like life is full of surprises, we have to deal with all of these just the same way. But thank God for autobiographies and stories of success and pains that help us realize that. They keep us grounded with the understanding of others pertaining the scores of life. Thank God for literatures and books. At least what we never learn at kitchens and schools we get to learn from sheer human sharing through literary works.  

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


I have come to understand that in this life, everything is an art. Whether speaking, eating, walking or even putting oneself together. Knowing the intricacies of the proper way will always serve you when you want to do things well.

On every turn however, is someone who knows how to do well, some of the things you may find yourself inefficient and it will often pay off  better in living well if we could learn to do those things we have lesser finesse in doing.

I met a man who ate so badly and noticed how everyone shuddered silently around him, yet would not speak a word of it to him and it made me wonder.

I asked myself questions:
when did he loose it? Wasn’t there someone to notice and correct when he was much younger?... and even now isn’t there someone close who can help?

It’s obvious that much of what we do seem to be taught is passing. As such it becomes a normal trend to have an average knowledge of most things until we find the need to perfect the ability or raise our capability to do them more effectively.

I feel that one should not be shy about asking someone else to teach him/her the better way of doing any of life’s activity. Be it corporate or casual. As one of my friends quoted out recently in a conversation: “humility is not weakness” and I dare add that ‘asking to learn is neither a weakness too rather strength’.

After studying and readying about success at any point in time, it stands clear that often successful people did master the art of that specific activity, field or environment they are leading on.

So go all out to learn the most proper way of doing stuff. If you must yawn, yawn sweetly, if you must dance, be the best dancer. If you are a poor dresser, check out some of your friends that are good to go on appearance and hit that target.

It’s actually a fun place-this world. And everything is an art.

Give it to 'em!!!!!!!