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MC,TV/RADIO HOST,PRODUCER,CONCEPTUAL ARTISTE,PR PERSONNEL,ENTREPRENEUR AND CLIENT SERVICE MANAGER FOR ELBATIVENI IMPRESSIONS AND CONSULT. Destiny is a deep thinking person and now,blogger.I love to write about Personal Developement and Life's Wisdom. If you are looking for a specified field this may not be your typical blogger but you might still hit a smile point; if you care to join me. My pieces are from series of Life enhancing lessons from my own reality life experiences.You will find that the subjects range from wide perspectives. They are downright ECLECTIC ! - A reflection of how I perceive life. I bet you've got something to tell too.You are welcome to make contributions through comments suggestions, questions and answers. Lets Have fun!

Thursday, 22 April 2010


I just finished my weekly presentation on Radio and we talked about;Stuffs men think women do and why.
The concept was to let the guys ask questions they seem puzzled about the female folks,and we had a lady in the house come to defend the ladies
the phone line was opened for public participation and these were some of the things the guys came up with,that puzzled them:
1.Why do ladies carry big bags?
2.Why do they 'form' even when they like you( the guys)
3.Why do the not think before they talk when they are upset?
4.why do they feel they are smarter than the guys?
5.Why is it that chics dont like to suffer in life?
6.why can't they just do without makeups?
7.why don't they like sincere guys?
...the list was endless and it was a really hoooooooooott what do you think?...............leave a comment to tell me any of that true or not?lets know you view!...laugh out loud.